Plataforma de Educação Humanizada

Torne-se Membro

Sound Map

Disciplina: Science
Tópico: exploration | Sound
Ano escolar: 1st | K
Tipo de Recurso:

Clipboards and paper.
Pencils or markers..Introduction (5 minutes):

Discuss the different sounds found in nature and their sources.
Explain that they will be creating a sound map to identify and record natural sounds.
Preparation (5 minutes):

Provide each student with a clipboard, paper, and pencil.
Review how to create a sound map (drawing symbols or writing descriptions of sounds they hear).
Sound Walk (20 minutes):

Take the students outside to a designated area (e.g., schoolyard, park).
Allow them to find a spot to sit quietly and listen to the sounds around them.
Guide them in recording the sounds they hear on their sound map.
Sharing and Discussion (15 minutes):

Return to the classroom and have students share their sound maps.
Discuss the different sounds they heard and their sources (e.g., birds, wind, water).
Reflection (5 minutes):

Ask students to share their favorite sound they heard in nature.
Reinforce the importance of listening to and appreciating the natural environment.