Plataforma de Educação Humanizada

Torne-se Membro

Future Me Collage

Disciplina: Social studies 
Tópico: Future Goals
Ano escolar: 2nd | 3rd
Tipo de Recurso:

Large sheets of paper or poster board.
Markers, crayons, or colored pencils.
Glue sticks or tape.
Magazines or printed images of different professions, activities, and items (e.g., doctor, artist, sports, books).
Photos of the students (optional)..Introduction (5 minutes):

Discuss the concept of imagining what they might want to be or do in the future.
Explain that they will be creating a collage that represents their future selves.
Collage Creation (20 minutes):

Provide each student with a sheet of paper or poster board.
Have students think about what they want to be when they grow up, what activities they want to do, and what skills they want to learn.
Allow students to look through magazines or printed images to find pictures that represent their future goals and aspirations.
Guide students in cutting out and gluing pictures onto their collage, arranging them to create a visual representation of their future selves.
Personalizing the Collage (10 minutes):

If available, provide photos of the students to include in their collages.
Encourage students to add drawings and details, such as writing their name and the year they are imagining.
Assist students in adding any finishing touches to their collages.
Sharing and Discussion (10 minutes):

Allow students to share their collages with the class.
Discuss the different future goals and aspirations they have represented.
Talk about why it’s important to have dreams and goals for the future and how they can work towards achieving them.
Reflection (5 minutes):

Ask students to identify one thing they can start doing now to move towards their future goals.
Reinforce the idea that planning for the future can be exciting and motivating.