Plataforma de Educação Humanizada

Torne-se Membro

Healthy Habits Obstacle Course

Disciplina: Health | Science
Ano escolar: 1st | K
Tipo de Recurso:

Cones or markers to set up the obstacle course.
Jump ropes, hula hoops, and other fitness equipment.
Pictures or signs indicating different exercises (e.g., jumping jacks, balance beams, skipping)..Introduction (5 minutes):

Discuss the importance of regular physical exercise for maintaining a healthy body.
Explain that they will be participating in an obstacle course that includes various exercises.
Setup (10 minutes):

Set up the obstacle course with different stations.
Each station should involve a different physical activity (e.g., jumping jacks, balancing on one foot, skipping rope).
Running the Course (20 minutes):

Divide students into small groups.
Have each group take turns completing the obstacle course.
Encourage students to cheer for their peers and emphasize the importance of doing their best.
Cool Down and Discussion (5 minutes):

Lead students in a few cool-down stretches.
Discuss how they felt during the activity and why it’s important to keep active.