Plataforma de Educação Humanizada

Torne-se Membro

Physical Weathering Gravel & Sugar Cubes

Disciplina: Science
Ano escolar: 2nd | 3rd
Tipo de Recurso:

Clear cups (one for each experiment)
Small handful of gravel (e.g., from a fish/shark tank)
5 Sugar cubes
Recording Sheets (for noting observations)
Prepare the Experiment:

Fill each clear cup with a small handful of gravel and 5 sugar cubes.
Shake the Cup:

Cover the cup with a hand to prevent materials from spilling out.
Let one student shake the cup for about 30 seconds, then observe the results.
Repeat with different students, allowing each person a chance to shake the cup for about 30 seconds.
Observe Changes:

Observe and note any changes in the gravel and sugar cubes, such as how the sugar cubes break down or how the gravel is affected.
Record Observations:

Have students record their observations on the provided sheet, noting the condition of the sugar cubes and gravel after shaking.

Discuss with students how the shaking simulates physical weathering, as the mechanical action breaks down the sugar cubes and potentially affects the gravel. Explore how this experiment illustrates the process of physical weathering through physical force.

Ask students what they learned about physical weathering and how the experiment helped them understand how materials can be worn down or broken apart through mechanical actions.