Plataforma de Educação Humanizada

Torne-se Membro

Creating an Anchor Chart of Natural Disasters

Disciplina: Geography | Science
Ano escolar: 3rd | 4th
Tipo de Recurso:

Large sheet of paper or poster board (for the anchor chart)
Colored pencils
Examples of natural disasters (for reference)
Writing paper (optional for drafting definitions)

Prepare a large sheet of paper or poster board for each student or group of students.
Have markers, colored pencils, and rulers ready for use.

Introduce the concept of natural disasters and discuss examples such as floods, droughts, tsunamis, blizzards, volcanoes, and earthquakes.
Explain the purpose of the anchor chart: to create a visual and written representation of each natural disaster.

Chart Creation:
Instruct students to divide their paper into three columns using a ruler.
Label the columns with the headings: “Natural Disaster,” “Drawing,” and “Definition.”
Filling in the Chart:
Students will select a natural disaster to start with and write its name in the first column.
In the second column, students will draw a picture representing the chosen natural disaster.
In the third column, students will write a short definition or description of the natural disaster.
Students can repeat this process for multiple natural disasters, depending on the available time and their interest.

Review the completed anchor charts with the class. Discuss the drawings and definitions, and address any questions or observations about the natural disasters.
Reinforce key points about each type of natural disaster and their impacts on the environment and people.

Have students present their anchor charts to the class, explaining their drawings and definitions.
Discuss ways to prepare for or respond to each type of natural disaster.