Plataforma de Educação Humanizada

Torne-se Membro

Egg Experiment

Disciplina: Health | Science
Ano escolar: 1st | 2nd
Tipo de Recurso:

Hard-boiled eggs (at least 4, depending on the number of substances being tested)
Various liquids (e.g., water, soda, juice, vinegar, coffee)
Clear plastic cups or jars
Recording sheets (for observations)
Directions sheet (for experiment steps)
Wet erase markers or pens
Toothbrushes and toothpaste (for demonstration)
ntroduction to the Experiment:

Explain to students that the eggshell will represent tooth enamel in this experiment.
Discuss the concept of enamel and its importance in protecting teeth.
Preparing the Experiment:

Distribute hard-boiled eggs to each group of students (one egg per liquid being tested).
Label the clear plastic cups or jars with the name of the liquid they will contain.
Setting Up the Experiment:

Pour each liquid into the labeled cups or jars, enough to fully submerge an egg.
Place one hard-boiled egg into each cup or jar.
Provide students with recording sheets to note their observations.
Making Predictions:

Ask students to predict what will happen to the eggshells after being submerged in different liquids for a period of time.
Observation and Recording:

Have students observe the eggs at regular intervals (e.g., every few hours or the next day) and record any changes they see in the color, texture, or condition of the eggshells.
Encourage students to use wet erase markers or pens to note their observations on the recording sheets.
Discussion and Analysis:

After the observation period, gather students to discuss their findings.
Compare the effects of different liquids on the eggshells and relate these effects to how similar substances might affect tooth enamel.
Discuss why certain liquids (like soda or vinegar) caused more damage to the eggshell compared to others (like water).
Demonstrating Proper Oral Hygiene:

Show students how brushing can help clean and protect their teeth.
Use toothbrushes and toothpaste to demonstrate brushing techniques on the eggs to see if any stains or residues can be removed.
Reflection and Conclusion:

Reflect on the importance of making healthy food and drink choices to protect teeth.
Discuss strategies for maintaining good dental hygiene and preventing tooth decay.
Extension (Optional):

Create a class chart to track the effects of various foods and drinks on teeth over a week.
Invite a dental professional to talk to the class about the importance of dental care.