Plataforma de Educação Humanizada

Torne-se Membro

The sequence life: juice, milk and bread

Ano escolar:
Tipo de Recurso:


  1. Begin by discussing with the child where their favorite foods like orange juice, milk, and bread come from. Explain that these items go through a journey before they reach our homes.
  2. Show the child pictures or illustrations of a farm, a dairy, and a bakery. Discuss what happens at each of these places and how these items are produced.
  3. Provide the child with a blank sheet of paper and ask them to draw a simple flowchart or sequence of steps that these items go through from the farm to their home. (You can also visit a farm and see how the grains are picked and greeded before they’re packed and shipped.)
  4. Guide the child to think about the different stages in the supply chain, including planting and harvesting oranges for juice, milking cows for milk, and baking bread.
  5. Encourage the child to use arrows to show the direction of movement from one stage to another. For example, an arrow can go from “Farm” to “Processing Plant,” then from “Processing Plant” to “Grocery Store,” and finally from “Grocery Store” to “Home.”
  6. Discuss with the child the importance of each step in the supply chain, including transportation, packaging, and quality control.

Learning Outcome:

  1. Understanding the Food Supply Chain: By completing this activity, the child will gain a basic understanding of how food items like orange juice, milk, and bread move from their source (farms, dairies, and bakeries) to their home. They will learn about the various stages involved in the production and distribution of these items.
  2. Appreciation of Food Sources: This activity will help the child appreciate the effort and resources that go into bringing these everyday foods to their table. It can promote a sense of gratitude and awareness about the origins of their meals.
  3. Sequencing and Critical Thinking: The child will practice sequencing and critical thinking skills as they create a flowchart that illustrates the sequential steps in the food supply chain. This exercise encourages them to think logically and consider the order of events in a complex process.
  4. Environmental Awareness: Through discussions about the supply chain, the child may become more aware of the environmental impact of food production and transportation, fostering a sense of environmental responsibility.
  5. Connection to Real-World Concepts: This activity connects abstract concepts like supply chains and production processes to real-world examples, making learning more tangible and relatable for the child.