Plataforma de Educação Humanizada




Torne-se Membro

Playdough Layers of the Earth

Ano escolar:
Tipo de Recurso:

In this engaging activity, young learners will embark on a hands-on exploration of the Earth’s layers using playdough. By sculpting and slicing their own “Earth,” participants will develop a tactile understanding of our planet’s composition and structure.

Learning Outcome:

Participants will gain a tactile comprehension of the Earth’s layers, including the inner core, outer core, mantle, crust, and oceans. This activity encourages hands-on learning, reinforces scientific concepts, and enhances fine motor skills.

Activity Steps:

  1. Setting the Stage:
  • Begin by asking participants what they think the Earth is made of. Engage them in a conversation about their ideas regarding Earth’s composition. This encourages curiosity and activates prior knowledge.
  1. Exploring with Books:
  • Read a couple of age-appropriate books to delve deeper into the Earth’s interior composition. Use these resources to introduce and explain the layers of the Earth.
  1. Excitement and Playdough Preparation:
  • Share the exciting news that you’ll be making a model of the Earth’s layers using playdough. Observe the children’s faces light up with enthusiasm.
  1. Playdough Preparation:
  • Prepare a batch of homemade playdough using the following ingredients:
    • 3 cups of flour
    • 1/2 cup of salt
    • 6 tablespoons of cream of tartar
    • 3 tablespoons of vegetable oil
    • 3 cups of water
  • Mix the ingredients until lumps disappear, then cook over low heat while stirring. Remove from heat once the dough starts pulling away from the sides and let it cool in the pot. Once cool, the stickiness will vanish, and the dough can be kneaded and dyed.
  1. Creating Colorful Dough Balls:
  • Divide the playdough into six parts: two small (golf ball-sized), two medium, and two large balls. Add food coloring to each ball, creating the following colors:
    • Red and green (small balls)
    • Orange and brown (medium balls)
    • Yellow and blue (large balls)
  1. Constructing the Layers:
  • Begin building the Earth’s layers with the red playdough, shaping it into a small ball representing the solid inner core.
  • Flatten the medium-sized orange dough and place it around the red ball, signifying the liquid outer core responsible for Earth’s magnetic field.
  • Next, flatten the large yellow ball to create the mantle, emphasizing its thickness and the extremely hot rocks it comprises.
  • Flatten the medium brown ball and place it over the yellow, representing Earth’s rocky crust.
  • Use the blue ball to cover the Earth with oceans. Shape continents (landmasses) using the small green ball of dough.
  1. Slicing the Earth:
  • Cut the Earth model in two for a cross-sectional view. Dental floss works well for this purpose. Observe the children’s amazement as the Earth is sliced open.
  1. Exploration and Play:
  • At this point, participants can explore the layers and interact with their creations. Although labeling the layers is an option, the tactile experience itself often provides sufficient understanding, especially for engaged learners.

This hands-on activity transforms abstract scientific concepts into a tangible and memorable experience. Participants not only learn about the Earth’s layers but also develop fine motor skills and engage their imaginations through play and exploration.