Plataforma de Educação Humanizada

Torne-se Membro

Adding and Subtracting Decimals Bingo Game

Ano escolar: 3.º ano
Tipo de Recurso:

Small printed flashcards with decimal addition and subtraction problems
Bingo cards with answers to the decimal problems
Markers or chips for covering bingo card spaces

Print and cut out the flashcards with decimal addition and subtraction problems.
Print and distribute bingo cards with the answers to these problems.
Ensure each student has a set of markers or chips to cover their bingo card spaces.
Game Setup:

Explain the rules of the bingo game to the students.
Each student should have a bingo card in front of them.
Playing the Game:

The teacher (or a chosen student) draws a flashcard and reads the decimal addition or subtraction problem aloud.
Students solve the problem mentally or on scratch paper and then look for the answer on their bingo card.
If the answer is on their card, they cover that space with a marker or chip.
Winning the Game:

The first student to cover a row, column, or diagonal shouts “Bingo!” and the teacher checks their answers for accuracy.
The game can be repeated multiple times for further practice and fun.
