by Own Your Education | Sep 26, 2024
Shallow dishes or trays. Water. Measuring cup. Marker or ruler..Fill Dishes: Fill the shallow dishes with equal amounts of water. Measure and Mark: Measure and mark the initial water level. Place in Different Conditions: Place the dishes in different locations (e.g.,...
by Own Your Education | Sep 26, 2024
Balloons. Plastic straws. Cardboard or foam board. Wheels (e.g., bottle caps or small plastic wheels). Tape or glue..Build Car: Construct a simple car using cardboard or foam board for the base, plastic straws for axles, and bottle caps for wheels. Attach Balloon:...
by Own Your Education | Sep 26, 2024
Balloons. String. Straws. Tape. Chairs or other supports. Stopwatch (optional)..Set Up: Thread a long piece of string through a straw and tie the ends to chairs or other supports. Prepare Balloon: Inflate a balloon but do not tie it. Tape the balloon to the straw....
by Own Your Education | Sep 26, 2024
Small rocks. Vinegar (for chemical weathering). Freezer (for physical weathering). Soil or moss (for biological weathering). Notebooks and pencils..Introduction to Weathering: Explain the different types of weathering and their effects on rocks. Conduct Experiments:...
by Own Your Education | Sep 26, 2024
Large shallow trays. Sand, soil, rocks, and water. Small plants or grass. Spray bottles. Notebooks and pencils..Set Up Trays: Fill trays with different materials (sand, soil, rocks) and plant small plants in some trays. Simulate Rain: Use spray bottles to simulate...