Platform of Humanized Education

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Division Bingo

Bingo cards with division problems Bingo markers or chips Division problem call-out cards.Distribute bingo cards and markers to each student. Call out division problems from problem cards. Students solve the problems and place markers on their bingo cards if they have...

Division with Manipulatives

Counting cubes, beads, or small blocks Division problem cards.Give students a set of manipulatives and division problem cards. Students use the manipulatives to divide a total number into equal groups. Discuss how manipulatives help in visualizing division...

Multiplication Flashcards

Multiplication flashcards (1-12).Provide students with a set of multiplication flashcards. Have students work in pairs or small groups to take turns showing and solving flashcards. Review answers and discuss strategies for solving multiplication...

Subtraction Bowling

Bowling pins or plastic bottles A soft ball Number cards (1-10).Set up bowling pins with numbers on them. Students roll the ball to knock down the pins. They then solve subtraction problems based on the number of pins knocked down and the total number of pins. Discuss...

Addition Story Problems

Story problem cards Paper and pencils.Present students with story problems that require addition (e.g., “Tom has 4 apples, and he gets 3 more. How many apples does he have now?”). Students draw or write out the problem and solve it. Discuss different strategies and...