Platform of Humanized Education

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Shape Sort and Match

Shape cutouts (square, rectangle, triangle, circle) Sorting trays or mats.Provide students with cutouts of different shapes and sorting trays. Ask students to sort the shapes into categories (e.g., squares, rectangles, triangles, circles). Have students match shapes...

Shape Building with Blocks

Building blocks (e.g., square, rectangular, triangular, circular blocks) Shape reference chart.Introduce the basic shapes: square, rectangle, triangle, and circle. Provide students with building blocks of different shapes. Ask students to build models of objects or...

Line Sorting Activity

Line cards (with images of straight and curved lines) Sorting trays.Introduce the concept of sorting lines into straight and curved categories. Provide students with line cards and sorting trays. Ask students to sort the line cards into two categories: straight and...

Geometric Solids Discovery Bag

Discovery bags with different geometric solids Geometric solids reference cards.Prepare discovery bags with different geometric solids inside. Provide each student with a discovery bag and reference cards. Ask students to reach into the bag, feel the solid, and...

Geometric Solids Sorting

Geometric solids (e.g., wooden or plastic shapes) Sorting trays or mats.Provide each student with a set of geometric solids. Introduce sorting criteria (e.g., shape, number of faces). Ask students to sort the solids into different categories using sorting trays or...