Platform of Humanized Education

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Measuring Surfaces with Unit Squares

Unit square tiles Construction paper Rulers.Explain the concept of area as the amount of surface covered by a shape. Provide students with unit square tiles and construction paper. Ask students to place the unit squares on the paper to measure the area of different...

Coin Addition and Subtraction

Real or play coins Addition and subtraction mats Markers.Provide each student with a set of coins and an addition/subtraction mat. Explain how to use the mat to perform addition and subtraction with the coins. Ask students to place coins on the mat and add or subtract...

Money Matching Game

Coin and bill cards Value cards Matching mats.Provide each student with a set of coin and bill cards and corresponding value cards. Explain how to match each coin or bill card with its value card. Ask students to place the cards on matching mats to create pairs....

Money Memory Match Game

Deck of cards with different coin denominations (e.g. penny, nickel, dime, quarter) Flat surface for playing the game.Shuffle the deck of cards and have students line up the cards on the ground in rows and columns. Explain the rules of the game to the students: each...

Coin Recognition and Sorting

Real or play coins (pennies, nickels, dimes, quarters) Sorting trays or mats Coin value chart.Introduce the different coins and their values using a coin value chart. Provide each student with a collection of coins. Ask students to sort the coins into categories...