by Own Your Education | Sep 26, 2024
Mirrors (small, shatterproof mirrors are best for safety) Cardboard boxes or other sturdy supports to hold mirrors upright Drawing paper, pencils, and markers Loose parts for building (e.g., corks, bottle tops, feathers, pompoms, wood slices, leaves, bolts, pebbles)...
by Own Your Education | Sep 26, 2024
Large paper or black chalkboard boards Chalk for drawing outlines Tinker trays filled with assorted loose parts (e.g., corks, bottle tops, feathers, pompoms, wood slices, leaves, bolts, pebbles) Additional materials (e.g., colored paper, markers) Introduction: Explain...
by Own Your Education | Sep 26, 2024
Play dough in various colors Tinker trays filled with assorted loose parts (e.g., corks, bottle tops, feathers, pompoms, wood slices, leaves, bolts, pebbles) Additional modeling materials (e.g., clay, building blocks, construction paper) Picture frames (optional, to...
by Own Your Education | Sep 26, 2024
Picture frames (one per child, if possible) Baking trays with different sections (tinker trays) Loose parts: corks, bottle tops, feathers, pompoms, wood slices, leaves, bolts, pebbles, etc. Bases for faces: silver cake bases or play dough Optional: guide with 100...
by Own Your Education | Sep 26, 2024
Spinner with different 3D shapes (e.g., cube, sphere, cone, cylinder, pyramid) Printed game boards with 3D shapes to cover Counters or small objects to cover shapes on the game board (e.g., buttons, tokens) Labels and markers (optional) Glue (optional, for permanent...