by Own Your Education | Sep 26, 2024
Sensory bin with materials representing different surfaces (e.g., sand, water, fabric, foam)..Fill a sensory bin with materials that have different surface textures and properties. Instruct students to explore the sensory bin and identify the surfaces they feel. Ask...
by Own Your Education | Sep 26, 2024
Building blocks, modeling clay, or other construction materials. Flat and non-flat surfaces (e.g., trays, tables, inclined planes)..Provide students with building blocks or modeling clay and various surfaces. Instruct students to build structures on both flat and...
by Own Your Education | Sep 26, 2024
Scavenger hunt checklist with pictures or descriptions of flat and non-flat surfaces..Create a scavenger hunt checklist with images or descriptions of different types of flat and non-flat surfaces. Provide each student with a checklist and ask them to find and check...
by Own Your Education | Sep 26, 2024
Magazines, fabric scraps, cardboard, paper, and other textured materials. Glue and scissors..Provide students with a variety of materials with different textures and surface types. Instruct students to create a collage using both flat and non-flat surfaces. Ask...
by Own Your Education | Sep 26, 2024
Samples of various surfaces (e.g., paper, cardboard, fabric, plastic, foam). Sorting trays or containers..Provide each student with samples of various surfaces. Instruct students to sort the samples into two categories: flat and non-flat surfaces. Ask students to...