Platform of Humanized Education

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Comparing Number Sizes with Objects

A variety of objects (e.g., blocks, counters, small toys) Number cards.Introduction (5 minutes): Explain how comparing quantities can help us understand which number is larger or smaller. Comparing Quantities (10 minutes): Provide students with number cards and...

Number Composition with Dice

Dice (one or two per student) Paper and pencils.Introduction (5 minutes): Explain that students will use dice to explore different ways to make and break down numbers. Rolling Dice (10 minutes): Have students roll one or two dice and add the numbers shown. For...

Number Stories

Story cards with simple number problems Paper and pencils.Introduction (5 minutes): Explain how creating and solving number stories can help with understanding number composition and decomposition. Story Creation (10 minutes): Provide students with story cards that...

Number Composition with Counters

Small counters or beads Number mats (with spaces for different numbers) Paper and pencils.Introduction (5 minutes): Introduce the activity and demonstrate how counters can be used to make and break down numbers. Composition (10 minutes): Have students use counters to...

Building Numbers with Blocks

A set of building blocks or base-ten blocks Paper and pencils.Introduction (5 minutes): Explain that students will use blocks to build and break down numbers. Building Numbers (10 minutes): Give each student a number (e.g., 7) and ask them to build it using blocks,...