Platform of Humanized Education

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Sort Sprouted Seeds

Sort Sprouted Seeds

Materials Required: Sprouted seeds (different stages of growth) Chart paper or individual sorting mats Markers or crayons Labels with terms (e.g., root, sprout, seedling, cotyledon, monocot, dicot) Magnifying glasses (optional) Steps Involved: Display the sprouted...
Build a Sprout House

Build a Sprout House

Materials Required: Construction paper Plastic bag Seeds (e.g., beans or peas) Tape Water Scissors Steps Involved: Have students cut out and decorate a house shape from construction paper. Tape a small plastic bag with a few seeds inside to the “window”...
Plant Life Cycle Anchor Chart

Plant Life Cycle Anchor Chart

Materials Required: Large chart paper or poster board Markers, crayons, or colored pencils Pictures or illustrations of plant life cycle stages Glue or tape Steps Involved: Begin by discussing the stages of the plant life cycle with the students. Have students...
Listening to a Heart Beating

Listening to a Heart Beating

Materials Required: Stethoscope (optional) Cardboard tubes or rolled-up sheets of paper (one per child) Steps Involved: Begin by explaining the “lub-dub” sound that the heart makes when it beats, and how doctors listen for these sounds to check if the...
Edible Heart Model

Edible Heart Model

Materials Required: Crackers (like Salada or Premium) that can be broken into 2 or 4 parts Mini marshmallows Normal-sized marshmallows Toothpicks Red icing Blue icing Steps Involved: Break the crackers into four equal parts. These will represent the four chambers of...