Platform of Humanized Education

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Exploring Tectonic Plate Motion and Subduction Zones

Exploring Tectonic Plate Motion and Subduction Zones

Materials Required: Crackers (to represent tectonic plates) Honey sauce (to simulate magma and subduction zones) Large tray or flat surface Paper towels (for clean-up) Plastic wrap or clear film (optional for simulating subduction zones) Markers or colored pencils...
Creating and Observing Mini-Landfills

Creating and Observing Mini-Landfills

Materials Required: Large plastic containers with lids Large craft sticks Soil (from outside, not store-bought) Selection of items (e.g., aluminum cans, baby food jars, plastic materials, egg shells, potato peelings, banana peels, styrofoam, fabric strips, cardboard...
Creating and Using a Rock Testing Kit

Creating and Using a Rock Testing Kit

Materials Required: Streak plate (unglazed porcelain tile) Magnet Vinegar Pipette or eye dropper Scale Magnifying glass Copper penny Steel knife, washer, or piece of glass (like a microscope slide) Quartz (for comparison) Rocks for testing Notebook and pencil for...
Erosion Simulation with Cookies and Crackers

Erosion Simulation with Cookies and Crackers

Materials Required: Cookies or crackers (representing soil or land surface) Paper plates (one per student or group) Toothpicks (to simulate animals pecking at the soil) Water droppers Straws (to simulate wind) Notebook and pencil for recording observations Steps...