Platform of Humanized Education

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Try Butterfly Fractions

Try Butterfly Fractions

Materials Required: Worksheets explaining the butterfly method for adding and subtracting fractions Pencils or pens for writing and solving Steps Involved: Preparation: Distribute the worksheets that explain the butterfly method for fraction operations. Ensure each...
Get Them in Order

Get Them in Order

Materials Required: Printable fraction cards (one set per student or group) Worksheets titled “Get Them in Order” (optional for additional practice) Steps Involved: Preparation: Print and cut out the fraction cards. Each set should include a series of fractions for...
Grab Fraction Spoons

Grab Fraction Spoons

Materials Required: Fraction cards (free printable fraction cards can be used) Plastic spoons (one per player) Steps Involved: Preparation: Print and cut out the fraction cards. Ensure each player has a set of cards. Game Setup: Distribute the cards to each player....
Keep a Plant Journal

Keep a Plant Journal

Materials Required: Booklets or blank journals (one per student, labeled “My Plant Journal”) Colored pencils, markers, or crayons Pencils Plant samples (or access to plants for observation) Optional: Rulers (for creating neat lines or sections in the journal) Steps...