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Money Word Problems

Money word problem cards Play money or manipulatives Pencils and paper.Provide students with money word problem cards. Instruct students to read and solve each problem using play money or manipulatives. Record solutions and calculations on paper. Discuss different...

Making Change Game

Play money (coins and bills) Items with price tags (classroom objects or pretend store items) Recording sheets.Set up a classroom store with items and price tags. Provide students with play money. Assign roles of customers and shopkeepers, rotating roles after each...

Create Your Own Geometry Town

Large sheets of paper or poster boards Rulers Colored pencils or markers Scissors Glue Construction paper (for 3D models).Provide each student with a large sheet of paper or poster board. Instruct students to draw a town layout using geometric figures for buildings,...

Do the Math with Domino Fractions

A set of dominoes Gameboards (optional, for organizing play) Paper and pencils Fraction charts (optional, for reference).Preparation: Gather a set of dominoes and ensure each student or group has access to them. If using gameboards, prepare them in advance or provide...

Put a Spin on the Fraction Fun

Printable fraction spinners (available online or created by the teacher) Pencils Paper clips Fraction charts or lists (optional, for reference).Preparation: Print out fraction spinners or create your own by dividing a circle into sections and labeling each section...