by Own Your Education | Sep 26, 2024
Star charts or astronomy apps. Telescopes or binoculars. Notebooks and pencils. Red flashlights (to preserve night vision)..Preparation: Study star charts or use an astronomy app to plan the observation session. Set Up: Find a location with minimal light pollution,...
by Own Your Education | Sep 26, 2024
Air quality monitoring devices (simple air pollution sensors). Notebooks and pencils. Graph paper..Set Up Monitors: Place air quality monitors in various locations around the school. Collect Data: Leave the monitors for a few days to collect data. Record Findings:...
by Own Your Education | Sep 26, 2024
Scales Recording sheets Various classroom objects.Provide students with scales and a list of objects to weigh. Students weigh each object and record the mass on their recording sheets. Discuss the measurements and compare the masses of different...
by Own Your Education | Sep 26, 2024
Blank paper or templates for bills and coins Pencils and markers Rulers.Discuss the concept of currency and its purpose in society. Provide students with blank paper or templates for designing their own currency. Instruct students to design and create their own bills...
by Own Your Education | Sep 26, 2024
Sets of coins in various denominations Small containers Timer.Divide students into pairs or small groups. Provide each group with a set of coins and a small container. Set a timer for a specified amount of time (e.g., 1 minute). Instruct students to count the coins in...