Platform of Humanized Education

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Country Poster Project

Large poster boards. Markers, colored pencils, or paints. Reference materials or internet access for research. Notebooks and pencils..Choose Countries: Assign each student a different country to research. Research Information: Have students research detailed...

World Cuisine Cooking Class

Ingredients for simple traditional dishes (with consideration for allergies and dietary restrictions). Cooking utensils and equipment. Recipes from different countries. Notebooks and pencils..Choose Recipes: Select simple recipes from different countries that can be...

Country Fact Cards

Index cards. Markers or colored pencils. Reference materials or internet access for research. Notebooks and pencils..Choose Countries: Assign each student a different country to research. Research Facts: Have students research basic facts about their assigned country...

World Map Puzzle

World map puzzle. Notebooks and pencils..Introduce the Puzzle: Show students a world map puzzle and explain the activity. Assemble the Puzzle: Divide students into small groups and have them work together to assemble the puzzle. Identify Countries: As each country is...

Population Pyramids

Population data for a chosen city or country (available online). Graph paper. Rulers. Markers or colored pencils. Notebooks and pencils..Collect Data: Gather age and gender distribution data for a chosen city or country. Construct Pyramid: Use graph paper to construct...