Platform of Humanized Education

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Aim at a Target and Graph Results

Aim at a Target and Graph Results

Velcro dart board or a homemade target (e.g., paper target with pom-poms) Small pom-poms or Velcro darts Large poster paper or graph paper Markers or colored pens Pencils Introduction (5 minutes): Explain the activity and its objectives. Discuss how students will aim...
Graph the Number of Letters in Your Name

Graph the Number of Letters in Your Name

Large poster paper or graph paper Markers or colored pens Rulers (optional) Pencils Introduction (5 minutes): Explain the activity and its objectives. Introduce the concept of horizontal bar graphs and how they differ from vertical bar graphs. Show an example of a...
Graphing Coin Flip Results

Graphing Coin Flip Results

Worksheets with a heads and tails image on the x-axis (or create your own) A coin for each student or pair of students Pencils or markers Graph paper or large poster paper Introduction (5 minutes): Explain the activity and its objectives. Discuss how to record the...
Bowl and Graph

Bowl and Graph

Inexpensive bowling set or homemade bowling pins (e.g., plastic bottles or cans) and a small ball Large poster paper or graph paper Markers or colored pens Tape or sticky notes (for keeping score) Introduction (5 minutes): Explain the activity and its objectives....
Create a Graph from Nature Walk Finds

Create a Graph from Nature Walk Finds

Bags or baskets for collecting items Large poster paper or graph paper Markers or colored pens Rulers (optional) A clipboard and paper for notes (optional) Preparation (5 minutes): Briefly explain the activity and its objectives. Discuss what types of items they will...