Plastic straws.
Cardboard or foam board.
Wheels (e.g., bottle caps or small plastic wheels).
Tape or glue..Build Car: Construct a simple car using cardboard or foam board for the base, plastic straws for axles, and bottle caps for wheels.
Attach Balloon: Tape or glue a balloon to the top of the car, with the opening of the balloon extending out the back.
Inflate Balloon: Inflate the balloon and release it to propel the car forward.
Observe Movement: Observe how the car moves and measure the distance traveled.
Record Results: Have students record their observations and discuss improvements.
Discussion: Discuss how the balloon’s air creates thrust and propels the car.
Balloon-Powered Car
Disciplina: Ciências
Tópico: Cars | Experiment
Ano escolar: 1.º ano | Jardim de Infância
Tipo de Recurso: