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Understanding Star Colors

Disciplina: Ciências
Tópico: Astronomy | Colors
Ano escolar: 2.º ano | 3.º ano
Tipo de Recurso:

Flashlights or light bulbs of different colors.
Colored cellophane or filters.
Thermometers (optional for temperature demonstration).
Notebooks and pencils..Introduction to Star Colors: Explain the concept of star colors and how they relate to temperature.
Set Up Experiment: Use colored cellophane or filters to change the color of flashlights or light bulbs.
Observation: Observe and record the different colors of light and discuss what they might indicate about a star’s temperature.
Temperature Demonstration: (Optional) Use thermometers to demonstrate how different light colors can correlate with temperature.
Application: Relate the experiment to real stars and discuss what the colors of stars tell us about their properties.
