Symmetry scavenger hunt list (with pictures or descriptions of symmetrical objects).
Clipboards and pencils..Create a scavenger hunt list with pictures or descriptions of symmetrical objects (e.g., butterflies, leaves, buildings).
Provide each student or group with a clipboard, scavenger hunt list, and pencil.
Instruct students to move around the classroom or school to find objects that match the symmetrical objects on the list.
When a symmetrical object is found, students should draw or write down the object next to the corresponding item on the list.
After the scavenger hunt, gather the students and discuss the symmetrical objects they found and where they found them.
Symmetry Scavenger Hunt
Disciplina: Matemática
Tópico: exploration | Symmetry
Ano escolar: 1.º ano | Jardim de Infância
Tipo de Recurso: