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Compulsory Schooling in Portugal

According to Law no. 65/2015, of 3 July,which amended Law no. 85/2009, of 27 August, pre-school education was established for children from the age of 4 instead of 5, as in the previous law. This means that any child from the age of 4 is now entitled to a place in a school organisation, however, schooling is only compulsory from the age of 6.

Law no. 85/2009, of 27 August

Article 2º

Scope of compulsory education

For the purposes of paragraph 1 of the previous article, children and young people between the ages of 6 and 18 are considered to be of school age..

Compulsory schooling implies a to enrol their child in public schools, private and cooperative schools or education and training institutionsrecognised by the competent authorities, and a duty of attendance on the part of the student.

4 - Compulsory schooling ceases:

  1. a) With the award of a secondary education diploma; or
  2. b) Regardless of whether they have obtained a diploma in any cycle or level of education, at the time of the school year in which the student reaches the age of 18.

Law no. 51/2012 of 5 September

Article 4.º

Compulsory schooling

duty to fulfil compulsory schooling laid down in the Basic Law of the Education System is universal and is exercised under the terms set out in the following articles and in specific legislation.

Article 5.º


1 - Enrollment is compulsory and confers the status of studentwhich, in addition to the rights and duties enshrined in the law, namely in the present Statute, includes those set out in the school's internal regulations.

2 - The requirements and procedures for enrolment, as well as the restrictions to which it may be subject, are laid down in specific legislation.

